Friday, July 24, 2015

発表する (Giving presentation in Japanese)

Mr. Jitender Mehta, President Experience-Japan
Giving presentation on Japan in Sonipat, Haryana

Express your gratitude in the beginning and in the end of the presentation for the valuable time of the attendee
It is important to use the easy to understand language at the time of presentation

You should use the appropriate honorific expressions for the attendee

It is convenient to keep time for the questions and opinion at the end of the presentation 

Do not use technical terms in front of the different user group, it is necessary to explain the term if you use the technical terms

出だしの言葉  (At the beginning)
  • お忙しいところ、お集まりいただきありがとうございます。  では、私から新製品について発表させていただきます。
  (Thank you very much for gathering here in spite of your busy schedule, now I will give presentation about the new product)
  • 貴重なお時間をいただき、ありがとうございます。では、新製品について発表いたします。
  (Thank you very much for your valuable time, now I will give presentation about the new product)

資料を説明する  (Explanation of the material)
  • お手元の資料をご覧ください   (Please have a look at the material in your hand)
  • 正面のスクリーンをご覧ください (Please have a look at the screen )
  • こちらにご注目ください   (Please pay attention here) 

締めの言葉  (At the end)
  • 何かご質問はございませんでしょうか
    (Don’t you have any question?)
  • ご質問、ご意見がございましたらお手をお挙げください
    (Please raise your hand if you have any question or opinion)
  • 以上で、説明を終わらせていただきます
    (Here I finish my presentation)
  • 本日はお忙しいところ、ありがとうございました
    (Thank you very much for your time today)

質問を受ける  (Receiving questions)

It is good to ask the attendee about questions and opinion in the middle of the presentation. . 
  • ここまでで、ご質問はありますでしょうか 
     (Do you have any question till here)
  • 何かご質問がございましたら、ご遠慮なくどうぞ 
     (Please do not hesitate if you have any questions)
  • ご不明の点は、各担当までご連絡ください
    (Please contact the respective person in charge for unclear points) 
  • ご質問やご意見などございましたら、後ほどお伺いいたします
    (I will receive your questions and opinion later)

(Some time when you are not able to answer the question immediately, you can reply as below)
“Well I am not able to answer immediately about this matter, is it ok if I confirm and contact you back” 

Key Words

貴重 - きちょう - Valuable
感謝 - かんしゃ - Gratitude
出だし - でだし - At the beginning
ご覧ください - ごらんください - Have a look (Honorific)
注目 - ちゅうもく - Pay attention
即答 - そくとう - An immediate answer
遠慮する - えんりょする - Hesitate (to do)

*Special thanks to Experience Japan

Saturday, June 13, 2015

ビジネスメールの書き方 (社外) Writing Business e-mail (Outside company)

(Write simple and easy to understand subject line)
〇〇〇株式会社 営業部 (←Addressee with company name, department and designation)
いつもお世話になっております。(←Start with Greeting)
株式会社田中商事、営業部の山田太郎です。(←Your introduction with your company name, department and full name)

(本文(用件)Main text)

省略  (Text omitted)

今後ともよろしくお願い申し上げます。(←End with Greetings)
署名 (Signature)
株式会社 田中商事 営業部
山田 太郎(ヤマダ タロウ)
大阪府○○市△△町11-9 2F
TEL:999-9999-9999(直通)  999-9999-9999 (代表)

Final Draft

〇〇〇株式会社 営業部 





株式会社 田中商事 営業部
山田 太郎(ヤマダ タロウ)
大阪府○○市△△町11-9 2F
TEL:999-9999-9999(直通)  999-9999-9999 (代表)

Key Points
1. Always write subject, do not send email without subject.
2. When sending an email outside the company always write customer's name company name and department 
3. Write starting and ending greetings (Do not use greeting like お疲れ様です for customers)
4. Your introduction with company name and department 
5. Do not write long sentences. 
6. In the signature give complete detail of your company name, department, address, phone no. and fax etc. 

ビジネスメールの書き方 (社内) Writing Business e-mail (Within company)

(Write simple and easy to understand subject line)
〇〇〇部長 (←Addressee with designation)
お疲れ様です。 (←Start with Greeting)
IT本部ST部の山田です。(←Your introduction with your department name)

(本文(用件)Main text)


今後とも、どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。(←End with Greetings)
署名 (Signature)

Final Draft







Key points
1. Always write subject, do not send email without subject.
2. Addressee's name with the designation
3. Write starting and ending greetings
4. Your introduction
5. Do not write long sentences.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Business Greetings 「ビジネス挨拶」

Greetings we use in our day-to-day conversation with clients, leaves a good impression on clients. While speaking with Japanese client we can use different-different greetings with client to begin the conversation.

Client from the other company
Client you met yesterday
General  contact / Individual contact
Client you met few days ago
Client you met long time ago
Client you met in the past

Beginning your conversation with these simple yet effective greetings, can leaves a good impression on listener.


取引―とりひきーDealing, Transaction
先日―せんじつーThe other day, Few days ago
過去―かこーThe Past, The Previous
節―せつーSeason, Period

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Planning to Learn Japanese or any other language

Are you planning to learn Japanese but not able to convince yourself why you should learn Japanese language. Or not finding enough reasons to learn language, here I will give you few reason based on my research will motivate you to learn Japanese language.

Learning language can extend your horizon – Better Job opportunity

After learning any foreign language you can search for job opportunities not only in your country but also outside your country. In case of Japanese language there are best electronic and automotive companies present worldwide with base in Japan. To coordinate with Japan headquarter these companies prefer people speaking Japanese language.

Today Japanese corporate are opening  more offices and subsidiary companies across the world. For example recently Hitachi and Panasonic, Japan's two biggest corporations, plan to invest billion dollars in India. This move will create more job opportunities for Japanese Language Specialists and engineers.

Make new friends and learn the culture 

After English and Chinese, Japanese has the third largest internet user community which gives the more opportunities to connect with native language speakers online. You can make new friends and learn the culture of that county. Japanese people feel more comfortable with people can speak Japanese language. 
Japan has the long and interesting history, and knowledge of language will enable you to access the Japanese language resources to know and understand the history, philosophy, society and culture of Japan.




Enjoy the movies and animation of different language

With the knowledge of foreign language you can enjoy the movies and animations of that county, which others can’t.  If you love watching animation and games, Japan is the haven for you. Also you can improve you language with movies, animation and comics.


Knowing a foreign language will separate you from the crowd.

Knowledge of a foreign language will add advantage in your resume. Language will pop out on your resume and differentiate you from the crowd.

You feel like star when people gather around you and ask you to speak something in Japanese and ask how do say “how are you” in Japanese.

Last but not the least - you can do this

There is no short cut to learn language to become master of any language the simple rule is regular practice and concentration. Language can help you to achieve your dreams; can bring wealth, fame and prosperity.

 The more you practice and study you do, more you learn. You will learn this language for yourself; you are the one who will get the benefits out of it so strike it hard and start it today.

Remember continuity is the most important for any initiative, if you are starting with a bang, continue with same passion. Let me tell you something about Bruce Lee the greatest master of martial arts, he used to practice for 2-3 hr a day, no matter how busy schedule he has. This passion made him greatest master of martial arts ever.

No doubt Japanese is one of the difficult language to learn, but if other can learn why can’t you.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Receiving Call from Japanese Client

Check Points while receiving a call 「電話を受ける ー チェック ポイント」

Below are the points one should take care while receiving the call from Japanese counterpart.

1. Answer within 3 rings

Why - It is not good to make client wait, so always answer the call within 3 rings.

- It is always good to answer the call within 3 rings, or else if you are answering the call after 3 rings then apologies to the caller, for answering late.
If you answer within 4-5 rings – Omataseitashimashita  [お待たせ致しました。]
If you answer after 5-6 rings – Taihen Omataseitashimashita [大変お待たせ致しました。]

2. Be cautious about  the noise of surrounding

Why - If there is a noise of loud conversation in the background it will leave the bad impression on the client. 
- Request the people near you to keep quiet or speak slowly, while you are on the call.

3. Always speak in a audible and clear voice

Why - Since caller cannot see you over the phone, your voice will leave the good or bad impression on the caller.
- Always speak in an audible, clear and cherish voice.

4. Don’t do another work while speaking over the phone

Why - You won’t be able to concentrate in conversation, might miss some important point of conversation.
- Don’t eat, drink and type on keyboard while speaking over the phone.

5. Always put the phone on mute while confirming something within organization

Why – There would be some confidential information you would not want to pass on to the client

- Put phone on mute while confirming something or checking information in your system.

6. Make note of conversation

Why – In case you have to convey or confirm something within the company, you can brief about the conversation with client/caller.
- Keep pen and paper with your phone all the time
- Always ask for the caller’s company name, name, telephone no. and purpose of call.
Above points can help you to leave the good impression on your Japanese clients. By taking care of these basic points you can create a good impression of your company.

For basic conversation read article電話を受ける - Receiving Call