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Jitender Mehta, President Experience-Japan
presentation on Japan in Sonipat,
Express your gratitude in the beginning and in the end of the presentation for the valuable time of the attendee
It is important to use the easy to understand language at the time of presentation
You should use the appropriate honorific expressions for the attendee
It is convenient to keep time for the questions and opinion at the end of the presentation
Do not use technical terms in front of the different user group, it is necessary to explain the term if you use the technical terms
出だしの言葉 (At the beginning)
- お忙しいところ、お集まりいただきありがとうございます。 では、私から新製品について発表させていただきます。
(Thank you very much for gathering here in spite of your busy schedule, now I will give presentation about the new product)
- 貴重なお時間をいただき、ありがとうございます。では、新製品について発表いたします。
(Thank you very much for your valuable time, now I will give presentation about the new product)
資料を説明する (Explanation of the material)
- お手元の資料をご覧ください (Please have a look at the material in your hand)
- 正面のスクリーンをご覧ください (Please have a look at the screen )
- こちらにご注目ください (Please pay attention here)
締めの言葉 (At the end)
- 何かご質問はございませんでしょうか
(Don’t you have any question?)
- ご質問、ご意見がございましたらお手をお挙げください
(Please raise your hand if you have any question or opinion)
- 以上で、説明を終わらせていただきます
(Here I finish my presentation)
- 本日はお忙しいところ、ありがとうございました
(Thank you very much for your time today)
質問を受ける (Receiving questions)
It is good to ask the attendee about questions and opinion in the middle of the presentation. .
- ここまでで、ご質問はありますでしょうか
- 何かご質問がございましたら、ご遠慮なくどうぞ
- ご不明の点は、各担当までご連絡ください
- ご質問やご意見などございましたら、後ほどお伺いいたします
(I will receive your questions and opinion later)
(Some time when you are not able to answer the question immediately, you can reply as below)
“Well I am not able to answer immediately about this matter, is it ok if I confirm and contact you back”
Key Words
貴重 - きちょう - Valuable
感謝 - かんしゃ - Gratitude
出だし - でだし - At the beginning
ご覧ください - ごらんください - Have a look (Honorific)
注目 - ちゅうもく - Pay attention
即答 - そくとう - An immediate answer
遠慮する - えんりょする - Hesitate (to do)